
Interested in Employment with a Utility Provider?

SMCMUD has a population of approximately 10,270 and provides utility services to approximately 5,673 equivalent single-family connections, including 1,316 single-family homes, 2,215 operating commercial retail office accounts, and 2,142 apartment units. The District encompasses approximately 1,850 acres located in the Spring area.

The District is empowered to purchase, construct, operate, and maintain all works, improvements, facilities, and plants necessary for the supply of water; the collection, transportation, and treatment of wastewater, and the control and diversion of storm water.

If you are interested in joining the District’s team, utilize the following links to find out more about current positions that the District is looking to fill:

To be considered for employment opportunities:

  • Submit a cover letter with the position for which you are applying referenced and a detailed resume to Include in the subject line of the email:  SMCMUD CAREERS.


The District offers competitive pay and a comprehensive benefit package that includes:

  • Medical
  • Retirement Plan
  • Pay for Vacation, Sick, and Holidays
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Other Voluntary Coverages Available

The District may amend and/or cancel any benefits offered at any time.

District Information/Alerts

Election Information

2024 Holiday Schedule

Quick Links

District News


Please click here to see all of your utility service and billing information.


Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office Reports


District reference and GIS information.


District information related to ongoing and upcoming projects.